Sweet and Spicy Mango Salsa

This salsa is full of vitamin C which boost your immune system to help fight illnesses. Besides being delicious mangos along with tomatoes are a good source of magnesium which help muscles to contract and produce energy. Mangos make this salsa sweet and adding jalapenos and onions give it that extra kick of a perfectly sweet and spicy combo. So anytime you want a quick appetizer whip up this delicious recipe. 



  • 1 ripe sweet mango
  • 1 large tomato
  • 1 small red onion
  • 1 jalapeno pepper
  • 1 lime juiced
  • Cilantro


Dice mango and onion into small pieces. Cut tomato in half and try to get rid of some of the seeds and dice. If you prefer to leave in seeds that is also fine however your salsa will be more watery. Cut jalapeno pepper in half and get rid of the seeds then chop into small pieces. Squeeze the juice out of one lime and mix all the ingredients together. Chop up cilantro and add to your salsa. You can add more lime juice according to taste. Serve with tortilla chips or as a side dish for tacos or quesadillas.

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