Potato Pancakes

Potato and onion pancakes, few ingredients quick and easy to make. Despite it’s bad reputation of being high in carbohydrates eating potatoes in moderation has many health benefits. They are high in potassium which is a type of electrolyte which helps your muscles and nerves to function properly and maintain normal fluid levels in your body to help prevent dehydration. They are also naturally gluten free and very filling. 



  • 3-4 medium potatoes
  • half of white or yellow onion
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 TBS arrow root starch (can also use corn or potato starch or regular flour)
  • 2 TBS olive or avocado oil


Peel and grate potatoes and half the onion. I use a food processor but you can also use a grater. Add salt and pepper and mix. Squeeze out as much of the juice as you can. I do so using a cheese cloth which works great. Add your choice of strach and mix well. Using a frying pan heat up your oil on high 1-2 minutes. Add 1/4 cup of the potato mix or more depending on the size of the cakes you like onto the pan and lower the heat to medium. Cook 6 minutes then flip and cook another 6 minutes on the other side. Can add another minute or so to each side on high heat if you like to brown up your cakes more. Serve with your favorite stew or condiment.


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